As we end our third day and I think back about what Linda Profitt and Mary Provence had to say about service and what they do, and also the other volunteers they had on site I found the same recurring themes. When we talked to Linda she talked about how she loved working with the soil, had a deep[ appreciation for farming and farmers, and was interested and passionate about food production and sustainability. She works well with her hands, and is very, very intelligent.
She uses her talent and skills to better her community and the communities around her. Her talents and interests are fulfilled through being an active and engaged citizen of whatever community she is living in, whether it be Thailand or Indianaoplis, IN.
When we talked to David, the worker for Rebuilding the Wall, he talked about how he loved fixing things, putting things back together, and working with his hands. He works every day at Rebuilding the Wall doing carpentry, painting, and handywork to help reclaim rough urban neighborhoods left in decline.
Mary discussed how she majored in Social work, and had a passion for helping others, a deep interest in serving her own community, and sharing her interests with others. She also felt a desire to help families stay rooted in their own communities. She uses her talents and traits for her own community, started a non-profit and moved to a rough urban neighborhood.
The underlying theme I picked up and took with me so far is that to be an active engaged citizen does not have to be just making yourself serve in areas you are not qualified to serve in, or doing things you don't find really interesting. Service is best done when you are passionate about the issue, and you have something valuable to contribute. I believe we are all are given talents and our personalities reflect these in our interests. For those who have a gift or talent for cooking and hospitality-go work at a food kitchen preparing meals for the homeless, open your home up to others. For those who are gifted working with their hands-help build homes torn up after nature distastors, or refurbish decaying homes. For those who are good with people and just congenial-go out and talk and make friends with your neighbors, volunteer at the nursing home and play games with kids at the Boys and Girls Club. I truely believe we are called to use our gifts to better our communities, and not to "waste" our talents. I used to think I was't good at anything, except talking. But through my opportunities with service and Bear Breaks, I've learned I have a talent for working with and connecting with others, even if its through casual conversation. I hope to use these skills to serve others in my community, creating value, and becoming a truly active and engaged citizen.