Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bringing it home.

This trip has allowed me to become a more socially conscious person and a more veritable leader. I have met so many amazing people in Indiana. They have shared their passions and their hardships, and I am grateful for it. They have changed the way I see service and my community. I could not thank them enough for the experience I have had. 
I feel obligated to give back to our community in a way I did not feel before the trip, and I have found an outlet to express that passion. My sorority has recently adopted Rare Breed as our local philanthropy. In addition to contributing financially, I would like to see my sisters volunteer at Rare Breed and have a true understanding of the need that teens in Springfield have for this program and how the facility benefits the community. I can see that for some, there is a disconnect between service hours and contributing to the community. They only do it out of obligation. I do not want that to be the case for my organization. Being a leader in a new and growing organization, I recognize the potential to start something different and more meaningful. To have my sisters share in a true passion for service and the Springfield community would be incredible. I am excited to return to campus and share my experience with my chapter.

Ellen Herbig

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