To start with the people; I would have never thought a group like this would get along so well. I feel like we have all become such great friends in a matter of six days. I have made some memories I will never forget. All of us are able to laugh any where we go, but can also hold an important conversation during reflections. We understand each other and what each and every person is passionate about. We are so diverse and come from all different places; that is what makes us mesh so well. We learn from one another. I can't wait to keep in contact with everyone and hang out outside this trip.
When working at the service sites, I would have never thought I would have had the experience I did. Like I said earlier, I had no expectations. When we first got to the fair grounds, I was hesitant to start working out in the cold weather. Now I would get up at 6am and do it all again if I got the chance. I learned so much talking to Linda. She taught us all about the entire process and really aloud us to have a good time while working. When we went to ReBuilding The Wall, Mary's story was truly an inspiration. I was aware of some of the things going on in the city, but hearing a perspective from inside the community totally changed my views. Working in Brook's church was fun and relaxing! Even though cleaning was a very indirect service, it made me think more into the entire process of serving. Us cleaning that church, could have put a smile on over 100 people, and to me that's what matters.
I really enjoyed this entire week. I think I have made some life long friends and learned some life lessons. I hope everyone had a great week! Love you all!
Mary Keathley
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